There's a little something called the GDPR, or
General Data Protection Regulation, that went into effect in May of 2018. The GDPR is a regulation on data protection and privacy. It's quite extensive but one of the first
(and easiest) steps to ensuring your website is GDPR compliant is to ensure you have Terms and Conditions and a Privacy Policy.
Terms and conditions outline the contractual relationship between the provider (you and your website) and its users (your website visitors). A privacy policy states how a company and/or website collects, handles, and process data of its customers and website visitors.
If you have a contact form, a lead magnet, an interactive quiz, or if you've integrated analytics platforms like Google Analytics or Google Search Console, your website
must have terms and conditions and a privacy policy.
There are quite a few places where you can purchase attorney-prepared templates, saving you thousands of dollars vs working directly with an attorney 1:1. Here are a few places we recommend for these templates...
- The Legal Paige - I've personally purchased the templates from Paige's shop and they were extremely user-friendly
- The Contract Shop - I have not personally used these templates but they are a more affordable and widely used option by many small business owners
Another important step of this process is to ensure you have a cookie consent bar or pop-up on your website that asks users to consent to the cookie policy as stated in your Privacy Policy.